Crafted by the skilled hands of Anakin Skywalker, the Skywalker lightsaber embarked on a journey that spanned generations. Anakin, the Chosen One, forged the blue-bladed Jedi weapon during the final years of the Republic Era. Passed down through the Skywalker family, the lightsaber found itself in the hands of Luke Skywalker, the iconic Jedi Knight who faced the dark forces threatening the galaxy.
The saber's fate took a twist when it called out through the Force to Rey, a Force-sensitive scavenger on Jakku. Initially rejecting the weapon after a powerful Force vision, Rey's destiny became intertwined with the Skywalker lightsaber during the Battle of Takodana. Given to her by Maz Kanata, the lightsaber played a pivotal role in Rey's journey.
Engaging in a lightsaber duel with Kylo Ren, the grandson of Darth Vader, Rey reclaimed the Skywalker lightsaber, embracing her role in the galaxy's unfolding saga. The saber faced trials, including being sheared in half and later repaired by Rey herself. It became a symbol of resilience, mirroring Rey's own journey of self-discovery and mastery of the Force.
Own a piece of this legendary saga with Rey's Lightsaber, the Blade of Resilience and Redemption, and carry the spirit of a hero in your hands as you embark on your own epic journey. May the Force be with you, always.
Os cabos do sabre de luz são fabricados em alumínio 6063. As lâminas são feitas de tubos de policarbonato (PC).
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